2020 Dr LEE Jong-wook Fellowship Program for Graduate Degrees(Master Degree: Basic Medical Science, Medical Education) Course I
Date :
Sep 15, 2020
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KOFIH is pleased to announce the Dr LEE Jong-wook Fellowship Program for Graduate Degrees aimed at strengthening capacity of our partner countries'' health professionals. KOFIH will cordially invite 8 fellows for the Master''s Degree(Basic Medical Science, Medical Education) Course as below:
[Course Information]
-Course Subject: Basic Medical Science ( 4 Fellows), Medical Education (4 Fellows)
[Target Countries]
-4 Southeast Asian Countries: Cambodia, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Vietnam
-Basic Medical Science: 2 years(4 semesters)
-Medical Education: 1.5 years(3 semesters)
shkim@kofih.org / +82-2-3396-9813
*For more information, please refer to the attached file.