Our healthcare aid for Korean immigrants abroad gives attention and healthcare services to overseas Koreans in order to ensure their quality of life and national solidarity.
*Korean immigrants abroad (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2021): Approx. 7.3 million, 193 countries
To improve health of Korean diaspora residing in Ukraine through health and humanitarian emergency support such as healthcare, nutrition, and WASH (Water, Sanitation and Hygiene)
Project Period
2023 (new project)
Supporting relief goods to meet emergency health and humanitarian needs
Expected Effects
Bolstering ethnic bonds by helping stabilization and re-settlement of Korean diaspora in Ukraine
To support the healthy growth of Korean children living in Vietnam
Project Period
(Invitational medical examinations and treatment support) Medical services such as comprehensive medical examinations, treatments, and surgical operations
(Local healthcare program support)
(Medical examinations and health seminars) Medical examinations and counseling, health management prevention education, etc.
(Home visits) Simple checkups and consultations by local medical support, drug support, etc. for Koreans with reduced mobility
Expected Effects
Contributing to the stable maintenance of families with children of Korean nationality by providing medical services to the children of women returning to Vietnam and their guardians
To enhance health conditions by providing medical services for first-generation ethnic Koreans forced to work in Sakhalin
Project Period
(Support of medical checkups and treatments in Korea) Medical services including comprehensive medical checkups, treatments, and surgical operations
(Local healthcare program support)(Health Living Support Center) Providing medical services, health promotion education, etc.(Medical examinations and home visits) Medical examinations and counselings by local medical staff, health management prevention education, etc.
Expected Effects
Promoting the health of first-generation ethic Koreans residing in Sakhalin and enhancing national solidarity as Korean immigrants
To promote the health of overseas Koreans dispatched to Germany
Project Period
(Visiting health services) Volunteers visiting homes of beneficiaries to provide health counseling, mental support, health education seminars and outdoor activities
(Administrative support) Giving information on local social security system, conducting professional capacity-building training for volunteers, etc.
(Discovering beneficiaries) Discovering beneficiaries including Korean seniors who were sent to Germany as miners and nurses living alone in Germany
Expected Effects
Improving the quality of life of former dispatchers to Germany by providing home-visiting care services, healthcare training and activities