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Number Title Date
54 2nd Commemoration of KOFIH`s Establishment & Memorial Seminar(August8 28) DATE : May 10, 2016
53 Project to Conduct Cleft Lip Surgeries in Laos(July 5~13) DATE : May 10, 2016
52 `Late Lee, Jong Wook`s Fellowship Course, 18 Medical Team members from 6 Developing Countries Conducting Training in S.Korea fo DATE : May 10, 2016
51 The Government`s Dispatch of `Emergency Foreign Relief Team(Including KOFIH`s Members)`(June 5) to Myanmar) DATE : May 10, 2016
50 2nd Photo Exhibition to commemorate Late Lee, Jong Wook(May 26) DATE : May 10, 2016
49 Provision of Free Health Inspection for Foreign Migrant Workers through `Mobile Clinic’(April 20) DATE : May 10, 2016
48 Project team for Parasites Inspection visits East Timor to Investigate the Actual Status of Healthcare DATE : May 10, 2016
47 34th S.Korea/N.Korea`s Co-treatment in Onjeong People`s Hospital DATE : May 10, 2016
46 33rd S.Korea/N.Korea`s Co-treatment in Onjeong People`s Hospital DATE : May 10, 2016
45 32nd S.Korea/N.Korea`s Co-treatment in Onjeong People`s Hospital DATE : May 10, 2016
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