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Number Title Date
64 KOFIH conducts a project to eradicate parasites in island regions of Tanzania(January 30th ~ February 15th) DATE : May 10, 2016
63 KOFIH donates `Mobile Clinic for Mother & Child`s Health` to the Soglom Avlod Uchun International Charity Foundation(February 1 DATE : May 10, 2016
62 Shin, Young Soo, the Chief of WPRO, visits KOFIH(January 12th) DATE : May 10, 2016
61 Opening of Mobile Clinic Event to support Foreign Migrant Workers and Multi-cultural Families(January 18th) DATE : May 10, 2016
60 Ceremony for Donation from the Family of Late Lee, Jong Wook, the Former Director General of WHO(November 28th) DATE : May 10, 2016
59 KOFIH sends medical supplies to provide support for restoration of flood-stricken areas in Laos(October 10th) DATE : May 10, 2016
58 KOFIH visits Godaif Hospital in Africa to check Health Status & Hospital Maintenance Status(September 16th ~24th) DATE : May 10, 2016
57 Transfer of Medical Technology to Doctors of Pyeongyang Medical University Hospital in North Korea DATE : May 10, 2016
56 Appointment of Shin, Young Soo, KOFIH`s Consultant for Projects to Commemorate Late Lee, Jong Wook, as the Chief of WHO WPRO DATE : May 10, 2016
55 Opening of `Decreasing Infant/Child Death Rate Campaign` along with Korea Rotary DATE : May 10, 2016
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