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NOTICE 게시판 목록이며 번호, 제목, 작성자, 작성일, 조회수를 제공하고 제목 링크를 통해 상세페이지로 이동합니다.

Number Title Date
84 Visit of Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea, to KOFIH(April 8th) DATE : May 10, 2016
83 New Birth of KOFIH`s CI DATE : May 10, 2016
82 KOFIH awarded "Action for AIDS` with "2nd Lee, Jong Wook`s Prize" DATE : May 10, 2016
81 Event held at the Kyungbok Palace Station to commemorate the 4th Anniversary of late Lee, Jong Wook`s Death DATE : May 10, 2016
80 Transfer of South Korea`s Experience in Development of Healthcare to Nurses/Medical Engineers in Developing Countries DATE : May 10, 2016
79 Visit of Mustapha Khammari, the Tunisia Ambassador to Korea, to KOFIH(April 8th) DATE : May 10, 2016
78 Signing a Protocol with the Health Department of Congo for Provision of Support for Basic Healthcare(March 30th) DATE : May 10, 2016
77 Korea-Germany`s Symposium to prepare for Unification of Healthcare in S.Korea/N.Korea(November 25th) DATE : May 10, 2016
76 KOFIH conducted cleft lip surgeries and brought back children`s smile back in Sri Lanka(October 17 to 26th) DATE : May 10, 2016
75 Ceremony for Completion of 2009 Lee, Jong Wook`s Fellowship(October 15th) DATE : May 10, 2016
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