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Number Title Date
94 Opening Ceremony for the 2016 Dr LEE Jong-wook Fellowship program for professors (March 28) DATE : Dec 30, 2016
93 KOFIH’s participation at the 6th Korea Sharing Festival (October 23-24, 2015) DATE : May 10, 2016
92 MOU signed between KOFIH-Gyeongbuk Institute for Bio Industry (September 30, 2015) DATE : May 10, 2016
91 Philippines’ TB control staff’s visit to KOFIH office DATE : May 10, 2016
90 MOU signed between KOFIH and KOICA (October 2, 2015) DATE : May 10, 2016
89 KOFIH to hold the Commencement Ceremony of Dr LEE Jong-wook Fellowship Mentoring Program (August 27, 2015) DATE : May 10, 2016
88 KOFIH to celebrate the 9th anniversary of its establishment (August 21) DATE : May 10, 2016
87 Project for Modernization of Bukgoseong-Gun Onjeong-Ri People`s Hospital DATE : May 10, 2016
86 Ceremony for Completion of Program to develop Healthcare Human Resources in Congo(Lee, Jong Wook Fellowship Program)(February 2 DATE : May 10, 2016
85 Signing a Protocol with the Health Department of Congo for Provision of Support for Basic Healthcare(March 30th) DATE : May 10, 2016
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