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Number Title Date
34 Successful Reopening of Onjeong People`s Hospital DATE : May 10, 2016
33 Reopening of Uzbekistan Orta Chirchiq Children Hospital DATE : May 10, 2016
32 Donation of 2 Ambulances Pakistan DATE : May 10, 2016
31 Provision of First Aid & CPR Education inOnjeong People`s Hospital DATE : May 10, 2016
30 Provision of Raw Materials for Medical Supplies(worth 1,000,000,000 Won) to Pharmaceutical Manufacturers in North Korea DATE : May 10, 2016
29 Successful Completion of the 1st Anniversary of KOFIH Establishment DATE : May 10, 2016
28 Margaret Chan, the Director General of WHO, Worships Late Lee, Jong Wook at His Grave in the Daejeon National Cemetery DATE : May 10, 2016
27 Provision of Medical Supplies to Flood-stricken Areas(2nd) DATE : May 10, 2016
26 Provision of Emergency Medical Supplies to Flood-stricken Areas in North Korea DATE : May 10, 2016
25 Promotion of Project for Education/Training of North Korean Doctors through Invitation to Germany DATE : May 10, 2016